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29.04. 2017
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23.09. 2016
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New 23.09. 2016
Boerge laustsen
Miracle saved
our family
Oluf Borremark
From the slum in the City
to a life in freedom.


From the slum in the City
to a life in freedom.

Oluf Borremark,
Born in 1942 died 2021
Honor be he remembrance

This Testimony can be order as a three-wings tract in both English and Danish.
Contact webmaster CLICK HERE to order.

  • I was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1942, and my parents were alcoholics. When I was three years old, they forgot me outside a pub. Then the authorities took me away from my home. I came to a lovely foster family, with whom I lived at for 15 years. But anyway, everything went totally wrong. At the age of six I fell down through a stairwell from the fourth floor. I was not killed, but I got a fracture in my head and broken legs. I cried out that I would never become a whole man again. I became a wild kid, and twelve years old I began to steal and drink. I was more interested in booze than in school. I had many speculations about, why my parents had rejected me and thrown me away. My conclusion was, that nobody could stand me, so my goal became to drink myself to death. Due to my inferiority complex, I was so afraid to loose my friends that I wanted to outdo them in their boosting. I was so bound to them that it was difficult to break out. From the age of fiftteen I went in and out of many different reformatories and grew more and more difficult; still stealing, but at that time only drinking secretly. Nobody should have control over me, but everybody needs love, and I found that love among other boys, who were like me. At least we could give a feeling of warmth and care to each other, even sexually. An adult in one of the reformatories also sexually abused me, and all these incidents were the start of homosexuality, and I really believed, that I was for men.On my 18 years birthday I got a life sign from my mother for the first time; a birthday card. I ran away and found her, but when I stood there outside her door and introduced myself, she just said, that her son was dead many years ago. Another rejection. I then decided, that anything else was unimportant, and the quicker I drunk myself to the death, the better it would be. Aged 21 I got a job on a farm, but my drinking became worse and worse. A good friend, a Christian taxi driver, said: "Oluf, stop all this drinking, you are destroying yourself". "No, I will not you........... nobody shall take control over me, I shall for sure find out myself, what I want, and now I just want to run along that road".In my childhood, I often came in a certain cinema in Copenhagen. The Pentecostal Church bought this cinema. Once I was very drunk, I went into the building and yelled and screamed, that they had stolen our cinema and called them hypocrites and swindlers. The guards came up to me and said: "You must receive Jesus". "Never in my life", I said and threatened to fight and denied God with big words. In 1965 someone invited me to a big meeting with Billy Graham. I accepted, but when he spoke about the Kingdom of God and said: "You have to be born again", I thought: "Never in my life. He may just stop this talking, because I don't want to have anything to do with that". Although I liked the music and the songs and just wanted the evening to pass, I made troubles and nearly come in fight with the guards. I got a job at B&W Shipyard and started on antabuse treatment, but it didn't help. I tried to change my life, but still I drank as much, until a good fellow worker gave me a Christian tract. Inside this there was the well-known words from "The little Bible" (John 3.16): "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life". I thought: "No, now that's enough. I don't want this".
    I was tired of life, was restless and just wanted to be a road knight, and if that didn't help, then I would commit suicide.One night I was sleeping at B&W, and in the morning someone asked me, what I was doing there. I answered: "There must be a God, who can help me".Anyway, in 1965 I married a woman, but this marriage didn't work, because I fell in love with a man. My wife didn't know anything about this doublet life, but in 1967 I preferred to have a divorce and live together with this man.
    I was fully convinced about, that he and I should be married, yes and even a priest was ready to marry us. Nevertheless I have a sense, that if I wanted a baby, then I would need to have a woman. In 1968 a colleague invited me to the church, where I earlier had made troubles. I went out there rather intoxicated and was about to leave again, but not wanting to hurt my colleague, I stayed. We joined a prayer meeting, where people lay on their knees, and I thought, that I had to do the same. I was asked: "Do you believe in Jesus, do you believe, that he can help you". I answered: "Yes". When I prayed to Jesus, it was a despaired prayer, but I prayed to be delivered from al things, that had oppressed my life. It was an either or – life or death, I just couldn?t stand anything more. Then something happened in my heart. I felt a peace, which got lowered down on me. At home I throw out all my alcohol and pills, and from that moment, I was free from everything.When I started to read in the New Testament, I discovered, that God doesn't like, when two people at the same sex lay with eats other (1.Korinth, kap.6 verse 9). Then I had to realise, that I was created for women and not for men. I told this to my friend and said, that it couldn't be him and me. He threatened, that he would commit suicide, but I could not do anything about that. This conversion has lasted since then. Jesus is powerful. (Later I also read about this in the Old Testament (Leviticus chap. 20 verse 13). After a few years with some ups an downs, I one day decided: "Now this must come to an end, now I really want to follow you Jesus, cost what ever it will cost". Now my life is totally changed and since then I have been working as a Christian among alcoholics and drug addicts, in order that they also can come to know Jesus and experience how magnificent it is to be saved and set free. In 1969 I visited my mother again and took her to some meetings. She was wonderfully saved, but afterwards her husband did not allow her to go to church. We had a relatively good relationship, but she died in 1973. I am sure, that she now is at home with Jesus. In 1972 I met a lovely woman, Bodil, single with four children. She had no money and for the first time she tried to prostitute herself. We were old childhood friends, so I stopped her and took her to a meeting in my church. She was not a Christian, but soon she became. We married and had 2 children together.In 1988 one of her boys died from cancer 23 years old. That caused, that I had a heart attack and came to a hospital, where I had an unusual experience. I had an out of the body experience and took a trip to hell. There I saw people with distorted faces, they screamed and were wearing shackles. It was very hot, and they were almost completely burned. That was scaring. Then I came on a trip to the Heaven with streets of gold and happy people. I saw, where I shall once stay; the most wonderful place with flowers in all the colours of the rainbow. There was an atmosphere of the loveliest paean, peace and harmoni, and an indescribable beautiful and marvellous light. In the middle of al this, I saw our recently deceased son, Henrik, as the most beautiful shining light. I saw Jesus as a shining angle of light, and I said to him: "Allow me to come home to you". Suddenly the vision was gone, but it sounded to me, that He said: "No, you have to go back to the earth, and tell about your experience here".The doctors, who in the meantime had fought for my life, said to my wife, that "the miracle had happened", when I returned to consciousness, and I said: "Jesus, you are my healer". 

    Oluf past away and went home to Jesus in Heaven on 03.12. 2021 and was nearly 80 years old - 
    He is wildly missed.
    He came in "The Evangelical Churches" at Frederiksberg (Copenhagen)
    He was vice president of FGB-DK Full Gospel Business Vestegnen Department in Ishoej and volunteer in "The Contact center "Klippen" at Vesterbro in Copenhagen,
    He often evangelized on the streets and traveled around Denmark and preached in Christian congregations.