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23.09. 2016
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New 23.09. 2016
Boerge laustsen
Miracle saved
our family
Oluf Borremark
From the slum in the City
to a life in freedom.


Written in Denmark 23. September 2016
Miracle saved our family!

(The short edition)
Boerge Laustsen 
National President of Full Gospel Business -
and Gerda Elmstroem
A married couple from Denmark.

This Testimony can be order as a three-wings tract in both English, Danish and Norwegian
Contact webmaster at email president@fullgospel.dk to order.


The family got a new life, which started with Boerge finding Jesus and receiving a calling from God and the hot-temper went away. As Boerge says, he was for many years, unpleasant to be with. In fact, he feels he was "a real bastard".
And perhaps that is correct, because his wife, Gerda, left him after many years of marriage, because she could no longer bear him, and the family split up – even twice!

But then God stepped in.

And by the way, what had made Boerge so unbearable?


A dissipated life.

Boerge and Gerda have been together since 1969 and were living a dissipated life with drinking, parties, pubs, dancing places, free sex - but no drugs. In 1980 they found a good neighbour and female friend.
About 1987 the friend found a man, who had a philosophy - A mix-up of eastern religions, freemasonry, Gnosticism, false Christian doctrines, collectivism and much more like that. He talked all the others into this, and shortly after they created a collective in this couples flat - four adults and four children. There was a lot of drunkenness and sex, but also, particularly between the man and Boerge, big quarrels about how to understand the Bible - They both knew the bible wery well - At last all these ups and downs were to much for Gerda and Boerge, so they moved back to their own flat, which they fortunately had kept. The friendship continued however.

The first break and something divine

During this time, Boerge had developed an aggressive and sometimes unpleasant personality. Finally, he was thrown out of the flat, and with help from friends he found his own flat. One evening before sleeping he got a horrifying thought: "It's all the others fault, they don't understand me. I will take a gun and shoot them all - Gerda, the friends and the children". He became so frightened over this thought that he burst out: "God, if you exist, help me and I will be yours forever". He started to go to church (a Lutheran church), where one day during the hymns, he felt something wonderfully divine come from above and down upon and into him. After that he began to change and Gerda discovered that, so Boerge moved back home. They found a Baptist church, but it didn’t speak to them, so they dropped out.

The second break

Slowly Boerge went back to being unpleasant and Gerda was afraid of him. This time Gerda moved out and moved to Jutland with the youngest son and Boerge stayed in the flat with the eldest son.
Once again Boerge was in a bad position - What now?

Call upon me in the day of
trouble, and I will deliver you, 
and you shall glorify me.
Psalm 50 verse 15 (New King James bible)

The salvation

Yes, what now? He was convinced that he, when he was together with the other couple, had been possessed by demons and these he tried to cast out with his own power, but with out no luck. He remembered the wonderful things he had felt in the church. He wanted to find that feeling again, so he began to repeat different scriptures from the Bible. Among others these: "I'm able to do all things through Him which give me power", Philippians 4:13. "The power comes from God" Acts 1,8. "I'm a child of God" John 1:12-13. ect.
Suddenly one day it happened - This wonderfully divine feeling came from above and down into him. He jumped up and he burst out: "Yes, all this about God and Jesus is true". He decided to go to the Baptist church the first Sunday in September 1994. There he intensely followed the worship songs and the preaching, and when he took the Holy communion he thought: "Yes Jesus, you exist, and I'm yours". Then Gods power/the Holy Spirit overwhelmed him and he staggered like a drunk up to the front to be prayed for 
Acts 2:1-4.
This power came many times after this, even at inconvenient times at work, which he had kept always. From the Bible, he learned to forgive. Every time he went to sleep, he prayed The Lords Prayer and forgave in the name of Jesus all people he felt had wronged him. About forgiveness see Matthew 5:44 & 6:9-15 & 18:21-22.

The fight

But Satan and his demons wouldn't give up and let him go just like that. He often had nightmares and could wake up with demons trying to come into him, yes; he could feel it quite physically. But then the power of The Holy Spirit flared up inside him to protect him.
One night he dreamed, that he was preaching the false doctrine he had been a victim of, in church and people was listening with interest.
Suddenly, he felt that he was thrown backwards towards the darkness. "No, No", he screamed out, "it is going so well. They are listening". Then he saw to angles and the one of them said to the other: "Well, you are the Holy Spirit, why don't you fly down to him and rescue him?". Boerge woke up because he felt that his body had been filled up with a wonderful power and he had a feeling that a battle was been fought inside him and he asked: "Who won? Was it you, Jesus that won?" He became more filled – as though the body was growing bigger. Every time he said thank you Jesus, the more he was filled up. And at last he fell asleep happy.
After that, things happened fast and he got rid of all the unpleasant things and even quite automatically stopped swearing which he normally did a lot. In addition, he became very conscious of no longer doing wrong and illegal things. Eg. to work blackmail, buy contraband, neither cheat on taxes nor others, lie i.e. always be honest, drive too fast, etc., etc. and if he is tempted to do that, well, the Holy Spirit will probably remind him in a loving way that it is wrong. Yes, the temptations are still there, but it has become much easier not to give in, and if you do, it is much easier to say sorry to God and stop it.
The attacks of Satan and the nightmares went away gradually and he didn't have any nightmares since. Stupid dreams, yes, but no nightmares. - 
(All this still holds here in the year 2023).
When the eldest son saw the transformation with his father and that is was real, he too found Christ.
Boerge got a new girlfriend, but it didn't last, and after this break he discovered that he still loved Gerda and began to pray for her; that she would be converted and come back home. Many friends, both in the church and outside, supported this prayer. For two whole years.


In the meantime, Gerda had moved with a boyfriend in his house. It went well in the beginning, but when Gerda, who had believed in God her entire life, tried to talk to her boyfriend about it, he was not interested. Instead he became jealous and began to control Gerda in everything, in fear of losing her. The eldest son didn’t like that his brother lived under such circumstances, so in 1996 he kidnapped his brother - What a fuss, but it ended with little brother staying with dad. When little brother learnt what had happened with his father and big brother, he too found Christ.
In 1998 Boerge and the sons went to a Bible camp on bicycle and roller skates and on the way the visited Gerda. The sons tried to convince the mother to go with them, but she said no. Boerge and the sons was well installed at the camp with their tent. The next day it was raining a lot, but at noon the sun came out and Boerge was outside enjoying the sun. Suddenly he saw a well known figure dragging a bicycle, soaking wet and looking like a drowned mouse. 

God are able to do more for you, 
than you even can imagine.

(Ephesians 3,20)
(Many scriptures in this testimony are a description of
the essence of the verses in any kind of bible versions)

Gerda's way to salvation

When Boerge and the sons left, Gerda started to think and discovered that this life here, it can't go on anymore. The next day she took her old worn bicycle, which had not been used for several years and some few belongings and sat the course towards the Bible camp in pouring rain. For a while, she had had a job, where her arm got very bad, so on the way she prayed to God, that both the bike and the arm would hold. Every time she heard a car behind her, she hid in the ditch because she was afraid, it would be her boyfriend coming to bring her back. But it went well; The bike held and God healed her arm on the way. When she arrived at the camp, soaking wet, very tired and dragging her bike, she met an unforgettable sight. She saw Boerge standing, looking like he was waiting for her. He looked happy and had a mild expression. After they had greeted each other, she thought; "What a change. How is it possible?" Even though all rooms were occupied, she was lucky to get a room because of a cancellation, and there she was installed.
They joined the evening meeting, with worship songs, preaching and a mood, Gerda had never experienced before, neither in the Baptist church she had experienced in her childhood, nor later in the Lutheran church.
When she went to sleep, she prayed to God, that if this was real, then He had to give her a sign. She saw the New Testament on the bedside table, took it, and flipped randomly to the parable of "The lost Son." Luke 15:11-32. She exclaimed: "Oh, that's me! God, you have a great sense of humour.
It can be called a clear hint. Suddenly she was filled with something wonderful, and she felt she was floating one meter over the bed. Was she really floating? She couldn't figure it out afterwards.

They stayed at the camp the rest of the week. After the camp, the eldest son went back home. Boerge and the youngest son visited Boerges elder brother. Gerda didn't quite know what to do, because she had nothing planned apart from getting away from her boyfriend. She decided to go with Boerge and the youngest son, so they borrowed a small tent, which she could sleep in on the way.
When they put up the tents at the first tent camp and went to sleep, the son resolutely jumped into the smallest tent and with a grin he said: "Gooooood night mum and dad". Boerge and Gerda hadn’t talked about getting back together again, but was now forced to sleep in the same tent.
After the family visit and back home at Boerge's place, Gerda wanted to find a nearby flat, so she could be near the sons, but it ended up with her staying there permanently. They remarried in 1999 and call it their "Recycle marriage". Gerda got saved, found Jesus and got back the Boerge of her youth.

Shortly after coming home, Gerda was thinking: "What about all the money I had invested in me and my boyfriend’s shared house? How can I get them back? Should the boyfriend just keep them?" She went into the nearby church, where she prayed to God to find an answer. Suddenly God said: "Abandon all and I will give you all". Matt. 6,24-34. She found that she didn't need to claim her rights, but just let the boyfriend keep it all, even though she had the right to claim half of the value of the house. God would take care of her going forward. And this He has done ever since, although He didn't make them rich, and there have been times, where they had to turn every coin.  

                                                                                     Dear reader,

If you want the same life transformation as Boerge and Gerda, invite Jesus inside your heart and say this prayer or similar with your own words and experience Gods salvation and love: "Dear Jesus, I want to belong to you and ask you to forgive me of all my sins. Take me over completely and be Lord of my life. By your help I'll confess you to all other people."
Welcome to the family of God


You can contact them by e-mail boergelau@gmail.com  

Dear Reader

Here is the Jesus that Gerda and Boerge sought, found and still cling to.(It's the one on the left) 
Which Jesus have you been introduced to? The one on the left or the one on the right? Which one will you believe? - It is only the Jesus on the left who can help you in your situation and at the same time give you access to Heaven at Jesus' home and save you from going to Hell? Read below some of the words of the real Jesus, which may offend many.

Click on the image for a larger readable size

                                              Here is what to do:

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans. 3:23) God! be merciful to me a sinner! (Luke 18:13). In the light of God's word, it is realized that we are sinners.
2. REPENTANCE: We must have a sincere desire to break with sin once and for all. If you do not repent, you will perish in the same way (Luke 13:3). Therefore, change your mind and repent, so that your sins may be blotted out. (Acts 3:19).
3. CONFESSION: The Lord is waiting for our confession of sin and for us to show faith. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and fair, so He forgives us our sins and cleanses us from all unfairness. (1. John 1:19) ....when you confess Jesus as Lord with your mouth, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Rome. 10:9).
4. FAITH: Faith in Jesus finished work on the cross...God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Mark 16:16) .
You must accept Jesus Christ in your heart by faith and believe that God raised Him from the dead before you experience the reality of the new spiritual birth in your life (John 3:1-13) - "He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But to all who received Him, He gave power to become children of God. (John 1:9-13) .

                           PRECIOUS OF THE HEART THIS OR

"Dear Jesus, I come to you as you are, and I pray this prayer from the heart: I turn to you and choose to believe that you are the Son of God, that you atoned for my sin on the cross and died there, but that You arose again. I acknowledge that I have sin in my life, and I am sincerely sorry that I have transgressed God's law. I believe that the blood You shed on the cross is the only thing that can cleanse my sin away again and I ask You for forgiveness for all that I have done wrong in mind, thought and action and I turn away from sin now and invite You into my heart and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I also forgive those who have hurt me and renounce evil and want to follow You from today. I ask You that You will cleanse me from my sin and with the help of Your Holy Spirit help me through my life, so that my life's journey can one day end in the kingdom of God. I say thank you because You want to save me. With your help, I will confess you to other people. Amen.
(The mission command in Matthew 28:16-20 and Mark. 16:15-20)
                                                 (Read it below)

                    When you have prayed this prayer from your heart,

then you have taken one of the most important steps for your salvation, but along with this comes the baptism of faith as described in the Bible. It is also important that you now repent of the sin, because otherwise you are just about to lose it all again. Matt. 7:21 says that not everyone who says Lord, Lord to Jesus will enter the kingdom of God, but only those who do God's will. It is thus your task now to stick to your decision to follow Jesus. Read a little in the Bible every day, preferably start with the New Testament, because the Old Testament can be a bit heavy at the beginning. Begin to pray, and through this learn to get your strength and wisdom from God himself, then you will be a good helper in your life, as well as when you die, and you will be brought home to the kingdom of God. Your life is important. Your journey starts here. Where do you want to go? One journey - two destinations – Heaven or Hell. Choose the right path.

    If you have prayed this prayer and decided to do God's will, then:

In addition, it is also important that you find a spiritual church that teaches the correct doctrine, where you read as it says, believe as it says and do as it says.
BUT read and examine for yourself what is written especially 
in "The New Testamentente”
Link to the Bible in many versions and
language CLICK HERE 

     And what is it you will be saved from -
            It is, of course, Hell -
And what are you saved to - In addition to having a good life with Jesus here on earth, it is of course also to come home to Jesus in Heaven on the day you die. -
(World judgment and salvation)
Words of the real Jesus, which may offend many. Read about i bellow

   Download it to using on evangelism.
      The layoutt is for double-sided 
          print on A5 paper format
                  CLICK HERE


Download and use Gerda and Boerge's testimony for double-sided printing 
on A4 paper - 2 sides.
Suitable as a tract for distribution
Can be folded to both A5 and A6 size
                     CLICK HERE

                                                (The Mission Command in Matthew 28:16-20)
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy host: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (KJV) and in Mark 16:15-19)And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”. (KJV)

      Jesus' words about the World Judgment in Mattew. 25, vers 31-46 KJV
When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.                                                  
                          Everlasting punishment / everlasting fire = Hell
                             Life eternal.= Heaven / Kingdom of God

You can also read about some who died and saw both Heaven and Hell, 
but came back to life and could tell about it.
Click Here

Boerge is webmaster for these websites as well
Street Church Denmark www.gadekirker.dk/English (in both English and Danish)
 and  www.evangeliser.nu (only in Danish)

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